About University Advising

DEI Inclusion Statement
Through its unique range of campus-wide programs and initiatives, University Advising (UA) provides leadership, services, and resources to support all Cal Poly students in reaching their academic goals. UA does this by delivering time-sensitive, inclusive academic advising and support; advocating for the academic needs of marginalized students; ensuring, through assessment and continuous review, that academic success policies and procedures are consistent and equitable; and removing institutional barriers to increase student retention and graduation. UA partners with peer, faculty and professional advisors and provides them with the training they need to empower every Cal Poly student with the confidence, knowledge and sense of belonging essential for academic success.
University Advising Values
University Advising (UA) staff acknowledge that our students are individuals with vastly different experiences and circumstances. UA staff provides individualized resources and opportunities to create fair and just conditions that allow each student to prosper.
University Advising staff deliberately cultivate environments where all students feel welcomed, valued, and supported.
University Advising staff identify and work toward dismantling systemic and institutional factors that create barriers to student development, academic success, and social engagement. UA staff collaborates with campus community partners to develop a shared vision for guiding change in student success practices and institutional policies.
Through an individualized, intersectional, and student-centered approach, UA staff encourage, motivate, and support students to recognize their potential, meet challenges, and achieve agency over their own lives.
University Advising staff provide a safe environment where students can be their authentic selves and feel valued, accepted, and supported.
The Assistant Vice Provost for University Advising (AVPUA) at Cal Poly is responsible for providing timely and consistent advising for undergraduate students.
This includes reviewing and revising university policies that focus and ensure student success. This responsibility is carried out through ongoing campus collaboration, partnerships, and advancing the field of advising. The assistant vice provost develops the vision and provides the leadership to ensure consultation and successful collaboration between administrators, faculty, staff, and students within the division and externally. The AVPUA works in close collaboration with the Associate Deans and Advising Directors in each college to coordinate activities within and across the academic colleges.
Responsibilities of University Advising
- Facilitate strategic Planning and Leadership
- Oversee the Mustang Success Center, University Advising Retention, and Transfer Center
- Collaborate with and coordinate advising services
- Assess advising efforts
- Review and revise university policies (change of major, academic probation/disqualification, expected academic progress)
- Provide professional Development for Advisors
- Coordinate and chair the Collaborative Advising for Student Success (CASS) Council
The Assistant Vice Provost for University Advising reports to the Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The AVPUA works closely with Associate Deans and Advising Directors (coordinate advising services in each college), Office of the Registrar (assist with implementation of university policy and communication to faculty/staff/students), Student Affairs (provide consistent student experiences through support services- primarily with New Student and Transition Programs, Dean of Students, Student Academic Services, Career Services), and Advisors throughout campus (campus advising meetings to ensure ongoing collaboration and communication).
Initiatives and Committees in Progress
- Collaborative Advising For Student Success (CASS)
- Bi-weekly Advising meetings College Academic Advisors, and Campus Wide Advisors
- Change of Major Initiative
- Academic Probation and Disqualification
- Professional Development for Advising Community
See University Advising Milestones.